Local news for April 24, 2023

- FEMA To Hold Flood Map Info Session -

Tompkins County residents have two chances this week to learn more about the proposed flood map changes. FEMA, state and county officials will have sessions on Wednesday and Thursday in Ithaca to help people understand the new maps, answer questions about flood insurance and flood risk. The sessions are open to renters and property owners. -

- Ithaca Police Union Accuses City Of Trying To Unfairly Fire LGBTQ+ Officer -

The union that represents Ithaca police officers says the City is unjustly trying to fire a gender non-conforming officer. Sarah Crews was accused of numerous disciplinary violations and put on administrative duty. In 2017, Crews filed a discrimination lawsuit against police officials and the city. A federal judge dismissed the case. The union says that last month an independent arbitrator found Crews not guilty of the disciplinary charges. The union president, Thomas Condzella says despite that ruling the city is moving forward with plans to fire Crews. WRFI asked the city’s attorney for comment. He did not respond to our request.

- State Redistricting Panels Sends New Maps To Assembly -

New York’s independent redistricting commission voted on Thursday to send a new Assembly district map to the Legislature for approval. WSKG reports the map has very few changes from the current one that was ruled unconstitutional last year. The maps must be approved by the full legislature and the governor before they can go into effect for the 2024 elections.


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