Local News: September 13, 2023

- Interlaken Under Mandatory Water Conservation Order -

The Village of Interlaken is under a water conservation order until further notice. An order was issued on September 8 and renewed on September 10.  The Finger Lakes Times reports residents using the Interlaken water system should limit water usage while maintenance of the village wells is being done. Ways to reduce water consumption include taking shorter showers, not leaving water running while brushing teeth, only using washing machines or dishwashers with full loads, and not washing cars or watering lawns. The restrictions are expected to last a few days.

- Molinaro Says Impeachment Inquiry Has Merit -

Congressman Marc Molinaro says the impeachment inquiry announced by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is reasonable. In a statement to WRFI, Molinaro says he is worried about “criminal activities benefitting the Biden family and undermining our national interests.” In the same statement, he expressed a reluctance to impeach a president saying he campaigned on a pledge to work with Biden and intends to continue to do so. Molinaro does not serve on committees that would participate in the impeachment investigation. He represents the 19th congressional district which includes Ithaca, Binghamton, and part of the Catskills.

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