Local News: October 2, 2023

Gas Main Leak In Downtown Ithaca Forces Some Out Of Their Homes 

A construction crew working for the City of Ithaca ruptured a gas main near the Albany St. Bridge on Monday afternoon. Some people had to leave their homes and no one could enter a large area of the city’s Southside neighborhood. NYSEG, Ithaca Police, and Fire and construction company officials coordinated to manage the situation.

A NYSEG spokesperson told WRFI that a medium pressure main was struck. A power outage affected about 1,200 customers as of early Monday evening. Some traffic lights were also out. The NYSEG official says the situation was stabilized and repairs started about 2 hours after the break. A City alert told people who were evacuated to call  1-800-572-1111 before turning on appliances when they return home. Someone will come out to check that the home is safe. If anyone smells gas they should call NYSEG at 1-800-572-1121.

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