Coronavirus Update, March 22, 2021

The Seneca Indians Varsity Football Team is quarantining after playing against Ithaca’s. The Odessa File reports that one of Ithaca Highschool’s players tested positive for COVID-19 after Friday’s game.

The Seneca Indians are a combined team from the Watkins Glen and Odessa-Montour High Schools.


Starting Tuesday, New Yorkers 50 and older will be eligible for the COVID-19 Vaccine.

The New York Times reports that almost 26% of New York’s population has received at least one dose of vaccine. About 12.5% are fully vaccinated.

Governor Cuomo announces that pharmacies are now able to vaccinate New Yorkers with comorbidities or underlying health conditions. Comorbidities are the presence of two or more diseases in the same person. Individuals with comorbidities or underlying health conditions can prove their eligibility with a doctor’s letter, medical information proving comorbidity, or a signed certificate.

Tompkins county is reporting 7 new cases of COVID-19, and a total of 150 active cases. 

Active cases continue a downward trend from a recent high of 168 on Friday last week.

Schuyler  County is reporting 7 new cases of COVID-19, and a total of 17 active cases of the virus.