Tompkins Health Department Releases Guidance for COVID Booster Shots

Tompkins County Health Department has released new guidance for third and booster doses of the Pfizer COVID vaccine. A booster dose is recommended for certain adults who received the second of two doses of the vaccine at least 6 months ago including those: 65 or older, living in a long-term care facility, or those 50-64 with underlying medical conditions. Any adult with an underlying medical condition MAY get a booster dose as well as those working in certain fields. Those fields include the medical, long-term care, school and daycare, food and agricultural, grocery, and the public transportation industries. Questions about eligibility and access to vaccines should be directed toward primary healthcare providers or pharmacies administering the vaccines. Booster shot guidance for people vaccinated with the Moderna or Johnson and Johnson products has not yet been issued.

More info can be found at the County Health Department page.